"When I was a kid, IRON MAIDEN were a very big deal to me and the influence they had on MACHINE HEAD has been huge," he reveals. MACHINE HEAD frontman Robb Flynn is equally excited to be a part of this project. We had so much fun jamming with this! We put a bit of an intro on it, to give it a bit of a METALLICA stamp, and we are super pleased with how it has turned out. We played 'Remember Tomorrow' as it was basically the blueprint for songs like 'Fade To Black' and 'Welcome Home (Sanitarium)', and some of the more epic ballady type of songs that METALLICA had done later.
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"From their relationship with their fans, to their album covers to their stages, to their live presentation, to their photos - whatever they did was always cooler than what everyone else did! I have always had an incredible amount of respect and admiration for them and obviously getting a chance to be part of this CD feels like that has come a full circle. " IRON MAIDEN are 10 percent cooler than every other band," says Ulrich. Speaking exclusively to Kerrang!, METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich told the magazine how much respect the Bay Area thrashers have for the Brit metal masters.
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The CD will be given away free with Kerrang! issue 1219, on sale July 16. World-exclusive performances from METALLICA, MACHINE HEAD, TRIVIUM, AVENGED SEVENFOLD, DREAM THEATER and DEVILDRIVER are among the tracks featured on Kerrang! magazine's latest collection - "Maiden Heaven" - which features bands covering tracks from IRON MAIDEN's legendary career.